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  • Apra Carolinas Coffee Chat

Apra Carolinas Coffee Chat

  • 05/21/2021
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Zoom

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Apra CarolinasLive Coffee Chat With Sarra - YouTube

 Join us for a networking event as we kick off the final workday of the week and talk all about your database! No database is perfect, so bring questions about how to track things (assignments, leads, prospect movements, etc.) and share any cool tips and tricks you have during our coffee chat. Free for anyone! 

Friday, May 21st
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Zoom meeting information is included in the confirmation and reminder emails. 

  Apra Carolinas. All rights reserved.

For any questions or corrections, please reach out to ApraCarolinas@gmail.com
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